
11 Overtired signs that are often overlooked and/or misinterpreted

  1. Waking up after one sleep cycle (approx. 45 mins)

  2. Multiple daytime napping aka power-naps (approx. 20 mins)

  3. Early morning wake ups (3/4/5 am)

  4. Falling asleep when being held / on the bottle / on the breast

  5. Sleeping well until midnight then waking constantly until morning

  6. Difficult to settle when put into the cot or falling sleep instantly

  7. Difficult behaviours when initiating the bedtime routine (crying as soon as you enter the room)

  8. Scratching their face/pull at their ears

  9. Sucking their fingers/fists

  10. If held, arching their back or leaning backwards

  11. Unfortunately many parents confuse tired signs for hunger, boredom or colic. Tired signs include: Crying and/or fussing, yawning, jerky movements, changes from happy to grizzling & crying, clenched fists, back arching, turning away from stimulation – disengagement cues and rubbing eyes.